Foyers…And What They Say About You

I always tell my clients that your foyer is the handshake of your house. Its a glimpse about the person and what lies beneath the surface… How your entryway is designed sets the personality for your home and piques visitors interest as to what is beyond. 

Here’s mine simply dressed for Christmas:Foyer 5

Sandra Ling

Some of my other favorites are…

About Victoria Hagan

Victoria Hagan

Ned Marshall

Ned Marshall

J Randall Powers

Ashley Whittaker

Jonathan Adler

5322863 Jonathan Berger


Some of the elements that I always include as part of the foyer’s design are:

  1. Chair, or a bench, it can be small; it provides a place where your guest can sit down to put their shoes on or take them off.  Or it serves as a place to set a purse down while your guest puts their coat on.
  2. A table, chest, console to place fresh or silk flowers, a lamp (I love coming home to lamp light, there is something very welcoming and cozy about walking into a house that has a lamp on specifically for you (I have mine on timers).  Framed artwork or pictures, a tray for keys, mail, Blackberry.
  3. A mirror, again this can be a small if you lack space but you need it to do a onceover before you open the door for guests or head out for the day.  It also provides guests a place check their outfit after they remove their coat and ready themselves before leaving.




1 comment:

  1. your foyer is just beautiful! that's what i love about foyers, if the foyer is fabulous, than i know i'm in for a treat with the rest of the house. yours is very pretty! thank you for your very nice comment. Merry Christmas!

    God Bless,


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