How to Secure a Christmas Tree in a Planter

First, this is a favorite planter of mine that I usually have outdoors but I wanted to use it in my living room to hold the Christmas tree. Since it stands 3 feet tall I needed to make sure that the tree wouldn’t topple over so there was some unfamiliar engineering involved.

Xmas Tree 2009 008

Xmas Tree 2009 010 My first idea was to find a container that fit exactly in the planter and then find a tree stand that fit in the container. I have on many occasions looked for the perfectly fitting container, without success so I knew that I was going to be on a wild goose chase. Nevertheless, I was determined.

Xmas Tree 2009 012 After several stops at local nurseries I hit success at Detroit Garden Works (of course, it’s a fabulous place) where Rob Yedinak helped me brainstorm the idea and we came up with the smaller clay pot plus the “mangerish” hemp that filled the area between the clay pot and the iron. The pot was filled with pea gravel to create a strong heavy foundation for the stand that was placed on top of the planter.

Xmas Tree 2009 011

Here’s the small stand that sits perfectly on top of the clay pot filled with gravel.

Xmas Tree 2009 013

Setting the tree and stand into the planter.

Xmas Tree 2009 014 Upright and sturdy.

Xmas Tree 2009 018

A week later when I finally started decorating it.

Christmas Tree 12-15 003

Finished product!!


  1. oh my, your tree and that space is absolutely spectacular! i love the colors! your work is just lovely! Merry Christmas once again and thanks for sharing!

    God Bless,

  2. i wanted to mention, i love how you used the planter. it really brought true elegance to the tree along with the decorations. lovely!

    God Bless,


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